Little Johnny spent his first day in school.
"What happened?" he was asked by his mother on his return home.
"Nothing much. A lady wanted to know how to spell a cat, so I told her."
Mother: "Miley, your hair is all mussed up. Did that young man kiss you against your will?"
Miley: "He thinks he did, Mother."
Girl: "I think this scenery is just beautiful!"
Guy: "I dunno. Take away the mountains and the lake and it looks like any place else."
"My wife has the worst memory I ever heard of."
"Forgets everything, eh?"
"No... remembers everything!"
The Female Mind - "Darling, will you lend me 20 dollars, and only give me 10 of them? Then you'll owe me ten and I'll owe you ten... and we'll be even.."
Two men, Peter and John, were discussing their wives.
"You know," said Peter, "my wife tells me that almost every night she dreams she's married to a millionaire."
"You're lucky," replied John. "Mine thinks that in the daytime."
Man: (To his boss) "Sir, my wife said I should ask you for a raise."
Boss: "Fine! I'll ask my wife if I can give you one!"
"That young wife certainly worships her husband! She places burnt offerings before him everyday!"